Tahoe Nugget #97:
Tasty Bytes from Bishop October 23, 2006
Although it was way too short, I really enjoyed my 75-hour "vacation." Spent two-and-a-half days in Bishop, California, exploring the spectacular lakes and peaks of the Sabrina Basin and the ancient
Bristlecone Pine forest in the White Mountains. Drove about 500 miles total. I took 160 photographs with my digital camera and about the same with my old film camera. I still like to use the film camera because I
have two lenses for it with better optics and range than my digital. Here are a few sample images from the digital. I reduced the image sizes, but my apologies to anyone still stuck with a slow dial-up connection,
like me.
Photo #1: Eastern Sierra Front and desert blooms.
Photo #2: Lake Sabrina, headwaters for Bishop Creek, lies at elevation 9,130 feet. The surrounding peaks exceed 13,000 feet above sea level.
Photo #3: The crest of the Sierra Nevada is on full display from this overlook in the White Mountains. Bishop is located in the valley between the two ranges. The valley floor is about 4,000 feet in
elevation and watered by the Owens River. The region is a Mecca for fishermen, hikers and photographers.
Photo #4: McGee Creek Canyon is stunning. A multitude of small lakes are linked by the creek as it
flows through the canyon.
