Tahoe Nugget #75:
Flat Stanley's Tahoe Vacation (8 Photos) May 15, 2006
Last week Flat Stanley arrived in my mail. He was sent by my niece Maddy who is in the second grade in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. I had never heard of Flat Stanley, but apparently he is a popular teaching tool for
young school children. The idea is for Stanley to travel via the U.S. Mail (he's lucky to be flat, the result of a terrible accident) and then return with stories and photos from his trip. Well, here is Flat
Stanley's letter and pictures of his swell time in Tahoe in early May.
Dear Maddy,
Thank you for sending me to Lake Tahoe to see your Uncle Mark. He is a writer and skier who lives in a cabin
there and he took me all around.
The first day we drove in his car up into the mountains above the lake. There is a still lot of snow there! I went sliding in the snow and it was lots of fun. I never saw so
much snow and the sun was shining and I didn't need a winter jacket or gloves.
Remember how I hurt my back in the accident that made me flat? Well, while I was having fun in the snow I twisted my back a
little bit and it hurt. The doctor came out to help me on a snowmobile and soon I was all better.
We hiked on the Tahoe Rim Trail that goes all the way around the lake. It was too far to walk for me, but we
went a little way along the trail and then turned around.
I picked up a Carnelian stone on the beach near Uncle Mark's house. He lives in Carnelian Bay, which is named after the red and yellow stones that
are on the beaches there. I brought one home. They're very pretty and fun to look at. Some people make jewelry out of them. Hold it up to the sun or light bulb.
We had Mexican food for lunch one day at
Sancho's restaurant. It was really good. Uncle Mark took my picture in front of this funny sign.
I came back to Doylestown to be with you Maddy, but I really want to visit Lake Tahoe again!
Thanks for
being such a good friend Maddy.
Your friend, Flat Stanley
