Tahoe Nugget #1:
Emerald Bay
Today I drove to Emerald Bay State Park to take some pictures. This scenic bay is probably the most photographed part of Lake Tahoe.
During the last ice age, glaciers surging down from the nearby mountains carved out the bay. The ice cleaved around an obdurate section of rock and left it as an island, which we now call Fannette Island. If you
look closely, there is a granite "tea house" on top of the island, built by Lora Knight, a wealthy widow from Chicago in the early 20th century.
I don't think I've ever explored down there during the wintertime. When I first moved here in the late 1970s, the section of road
through here was often closed for long periods of time due to avalanches and deep snow. That is no longer the case. Although Lake Tahoe has never been known to freeze, during extended periods of cold weather Emerald
Bay will freeze solid.
